
Windows Shortcut Keys

General Windows Shortcut Keys 

F1 - Universal Help key - Works in all Microsoft based programs 
F2 - Rename files or Folders 
F3 - Opens up the Find dialogue 
F5 - Refresh contents in current application 
F6 - Switch between left and right panes 
F10 - Activate the menu bar in programs 
Backspace - View the folder one level up 
Tab - Move forward through options 

Winkey & D - This will minimise all windows you have open and take you to the desktop. by pressing it again this can be reversed 
Winkey & E - This will open up the Windows Explorer file browser window 
Winkey & TAB - This will cycle through open programs through the taskbar. 
Winkey & F - This will open up the windows search feature 
Winkey & CTRL & F - This will open up the search for computers window. 
Winkey & F1 - This will open up the Microsoft Help and Support Centre 
Winkey & R - This will bring up the run box dialogue 
Winkey & L - This will lock the computer and take you to the sign in screen 
Winkey & M - Same a Winkey & D, But won't change back 
Winkey & Shift & M - Same as pressing Winkey & D the second time 
Winkey & U - Run utility Manager and Narrator Voice 
Winkey & Break - Display System Properties 

Right SHIFT for eight seconds (Switch FilterKeys either on or off) 
Left ALT & left SHIFT & PRINT SCREEN (Switch High Contrast either on or off) 
Left ALT & left SHIFT & NUM LOCK (Switch the MouseKeys either on or off) 
SHIFT five times (Switch the StickyKeys either on or off) 

General Editing Keys 

ALT & F - Opens up the file menu 
ALT & E - Opens up the edit menu 

Ctrl & A - Highlights all text 
Ctrl & C - Copy's highlighted selected text 
Ctrl & X -Cuts highlighted selected text 
Ctrl & V - Pastes text from clipboard into document 
Ctrl & Z - Reverses last action 
Ctrl & P - Brings up the print dialogue 
Ctrl & B - Embolden Text 
Ctrl & I - Place text in italics 
Ctrl & U - Underline text 

Insert - Toggles between over type mode and normal mode 
Ctrl & Insert - Copy's selected text 
Shift & Delete - Cuts highlighted selected text 
Shift & Insert - Pastes text from clipboard into document 

Shift & Home - Selects the text from current cursor position to beginning of line 
Shift & End - Selects the text from current cursor position to end of line 
Ctrl & Left Arrow - Move the cursor backwood one word 
Ctrl & Right Arrow - Move the cursor forward one word 

Home Key - Goes to beginning of current line 
End Key - Goes to end of current line 
Ctrl & Home - Goes to top of document 
Ctrl & End - Goes to end of document 

Other Misc Keys 

CTRL & SHIFT & ESC this will open the windows task manager 
ALT & Enter - View an item's properties 
Alt & Space Bar - Display the current window's system menu 
Alt & Tab - Cycles through current open applications 
Alt & F4 - Closes the current open application 
Ctrl & Escape - Brings up the start menu 
Shift & F10 - Display the item's context menu 
Shift & Del - When deleting a selected highlighted item - this will bypass the recycle bin 
Holding Shift Key - While inserting a CD/DVD will bypass the auto play feature 
F8 - While pressing this key on boot up will bring you to the boot up options screen - handy for entering safe mode 

Runbox msc commands (Microsoft Management Console snap-in) 
ciadv.msc = indexing service 
compmgmt.msc = computer management 
devmgmt.msc = device manager 
dfrg.msc = disk defragment 
diskmgmt.msc = disk management 
eventvwr.msc = event viewer 
fsmgmt.msc = shared folders 
gpedit.msc = group policies 
lusrmgr.msc = local users and groups 
ntmsmgr.msc = removable storage operator request 
perfmon.msc = performance monitor 
rsop.msc = resultant set of policies 
secpol.msc = local security settings 
services.msc = various Services 
secpol.msc = local security settings 
certmgr.msc = certificate manager 
wmimgmt.msc = windows management infrastructure 
runbox cpl commands 
ac3filter.cpl = ac3 filter(if installed) 
access.cpl = accessibility option control 
appwiz.cpl = add/remove programs control 
desk.cpl = display properties control 
directx.cpl = direct x control panel(if installed) 
findfast.cpl = FindFast control 
firewall.cpl = windows firewall 
hdwwiz.cpl = add hardware wizard 
inetcpl.cpl = Internet Properties control 
intl.cpl = regional and language options 
joy.cpl = game controlloers control 
jpicpl32.cpl = java control panel(if installed) 
main.cpl = Mouse Properties control 
mmsys.cpl = Multimedia Properties control 
ncpa.cpl = network control 
netsetup.cpl = network setup wizard 
nusrmgr.cpl = user accounts control 
odbccp32.cpl =odbc data souce adminstrator 
password.cpl = Password Properties control 
powercfg.cpl = power options properties control 
joy.cpl = game controlloers control 
sysdm.cpl = System Properties control 
sticpl.cpl = scanner and camera control 
tlephon.cpl = telephone and moden options 
timedate.cpl = date/time Properties control 
waaucpl.cpl = automatic updates 
wscui.cpl = security center 
runbox control commands 
---------------------------------------------------------------------- - 
control admintools = amdinistrative tools 
control color = display properties(appearence) 
control desktop = desktop properties 
control folders = folder properties 
control fonts = fonts properties 
control keyboard = keyboard properties 
control netconnections = network connections 
control mouse = mouse properties 
control printers = printer and fax options 
control schedtasks = schedualed tasks 
runbox non grouped commands 
dxdiag = direct x trounbleshooter 
ddeshare = dde share 
cliconfg = sql client configaration 
cmd = command prompt 
dcomcnfg = component services 
clipbrd = clipboard 
chkdsk = check disk utility 
fsquirt = bluetooth transfer wizard 
folders = folders properties 
font = fonts folder 
freecell = freecell 
calc = caculator 
charmap = carater graph 
cleanmgr = too long to explain but useful 
command = opens command prompt 
diskpart = disk partition manager 
explorer = explorer 
iexpress = iexpress wizard 
javaws = java control panel(in installed) 
logoff = logs you out of windows 
magnity = windows magnifier 
msconfig = system Configuration Utility 
msinfo32 = system Infomation 
msimn = letterbox 
mailto = opens default email client 
notepad = notepad 
osk = keyboard 
packager = object packager 
perfmon = performance minitor 
prefetch = the thing windows prepairs 
regedit = Registry Editor 
regedit32 - 
sfc = system file checker utility 
taskmgr = task manager 
telnet = telnet client 
wab = windows address book 
wabmig = windows address book (adding something) 
win.ini = windows loading information(also system.ini) 
winver = shows current version of windows 
winchat = microsoft chat 
sysedit = System Edit 
tourstart = tour pub when xp is installed 
drwtsn32 = dr. watson troubleshooting utility 
verifier = driver verifier utility 
sigverif = file signature verification tool 
write = wordpad 
utelman = utility manager 

runbox subdirectories 
accessability settings 
access.cpl @0,1 = keyboard 
access.cpl @0,2 = sound 
access.cpl @0,3 = display 
access.cpl @0,4 = mouse 
access.cpl @0,5 = general 
desk settings 
desk.cpl = theme 
desk.cpl @0,0 = desktop 
desk.cpl @0,1 = screen saver 
desk.cpl @0,2 = apearance 
desk.cpl @0,3 = setting 
Internet Settings 
inetcpl.cpl @0,0 = general 
inetcpl.cpl @0,1= security 
inetcpl.cpl @0,2 = privacy 
inetcpl.cpl @0,3 = content 
inetcpl.cpl @0,4 = connections 
inetcpl.cpl @0,5 = programs 
inetcpl.cpl @0,6 = advanced 
regional settings 
intl.cpl @0,0 = regoal options 
intl.cpl @0.1 = languges 
intl.cpl @0,2 = advanced 
main.cpl @0,1 = buttons 
main.cpl @0,1,1 = pointers 
main.cpl @0,2 = pointers options 
main.cpl @0,3 = wheel 
main.cpl @0,4 = hardware 
main.cpl @1,0 = keyboard speed 
main.cpl @1,1,1 = keyboard hardware 
sounds properties box 
mmsys.cpl @0,0= volume 
mmsys.cpl @0,1 = sound 
mmsys.cpl @0,2 = audio 
mmsys.cpl @0,3 = voice 
mmsys.cpl @0,4 = hardward 
system Settings 
sysdm.cpl @0,0 = general 
sysdm.cpl @0,1 = computer name 
sysdm.cpl @0,2 = hardware 
sysdm.cpl @0,3 = advanced 
sysdm.cpl @0,4 = restore system 
sysdm.cpl @0,5 = automatic updatet 
sysdm.cpl @0,6 = remote 

variables that work with the runcommand box: 
%allusersprofile% = local returns the location of the all users profile. 
%appdata% = local returns the location where applications store data by default. 
%cd% = local returns the current directory string. 
%comspec% = system returns the exact path to the command shell executable. 
%homedrive% = system returns which local workstation drive letter is connected to the user's home directory. this variable is set based on the value of the home directory. the user's home directory is specified in local users and groups. 
%homepath% = system returns the full path of the user's home directory. this variable is set based on the value of the home directory. the user's home directory is specified in local users and groups. 
the user's home directory is specified in local users and groups. 
%logonserver% = local returns the name of the domain controller that validated the current logon session. 
%programfiles% = returns the location of the default install directory for applications. 
%systemdrive% = system returns the drive containing the windows root directory (i.e., the system root). 
%systemroot% = system returns the location of the windows root directory. 
%temp% = system and user return the default temporary directories for applications that are available to users who are currently logged on. some applications require temp and others require tmp. 
%tmp% = system and user return the default temporary directories for applications that are available to users who are currently logged on. some applications require temp and others require tmp. 
%(time)% = system returns the current time. this variable uses the same format as the time /t command. cmd.exe generates this variable. for more information about the time command, see the time command. 
%(userdomain)% = local returns the name of the domain that contains the user's account. 
%(username)% = local returns the name of the user currently logged on. 
%userprofile% = local returns the location of the profile for the current user. 
%windir% = system returns the location of the os directory


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