Cài đặt thông báo qua email khi YUM update
Bước 1: Sửa file /etc/yum/yum-updatesd.conf thêm các giá trị sau:
emit_via = email
# who to send the email to:
email_to = admin@example.com
# who send the notifications
email_from = adm@staff.example.com
Sau khi thêm file yum-updatesd.conf sẽ có nội dung:
# how often to check for new updates (in seconds)
run_interval = 3600
# how often to allow checking on request (in seconds)
updaterefresh = 600
# how to send notifications (valid: dbus, email, syslog)
emit_via = email
# who to send the email
email_to = admin@example.com
# who send the notifications
email_from = adm@staff.example.com
# should we listen via dbus to give out update information/check for
# new updates
dbus_listener = yes
# automatically install updates
do_update = no
# automatically download updates
do_download = no
# automatically download deps of updates
do_download_deps = no
Bước 2: Restart lại yum-updatesd service
/etc/init.d/yum-updatesd restart
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